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Control Flow => {
var a = 1;
var b = a + 2;
var c = b + 3;

Once a variable is defined like var a = 1, the runtime does 3 major things. First, it places the var a in the graph and makes the connection between dependent variables (In this case).

Variable Graph

Second, updates state with new values in order get affect

var a1
var b3
var c6

However, actual execution is different since variables are tracked in the graph.

state.a = 1;
state.b = state.a + 2;
state.c = state.b + 3;

and finally stores statements in the runtime-managed fs

The main objective of the project is completely eliminating technical codes so that developers can focus on business logic and bringing database features into the programming runtime.

If you consider, let's say Order object is the part of business logic, any codes lines not related with that, for example, managing connection, converting object to JSON etc. are considered technical codes.